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Curiosity is Care: The Art of Asking Questions

Curiosity is Care: The Art of Asking Questions

Hi Rosies,

Many of us have relationship goals for 2024, whether that’s loverships or familiars or friendships. One way to improve any relationship, especially one with a heart connection, is to get deeply curious about each other, and practice asking questions as an expression of love and care.

So, if you want to play with us, in the coming weeks, we’re going to be trying a practice of deliberately asking better questions of our beloveds, and will be sending out some weekly Heart Connection Questions to ask (it will be on Instagram too, if you’re not an email person). 

The Art of Asking Questions

The art of questioning, driven by genuine curiosity, can transform relationships, foster empathy, and enhance understanding. At its core, asking questions is a sign of interest and engagement. When you ask someone about their experiences, thoughts, or feelings, you're communicating that you value their perspective. This act can be incredibly validating and can make people feel seen and heard in a world that often feels too busy to listen.

Curiosity, especially in the context of personal relationships, is akin to emotional empathy. By inquiring into someone’s life, you're essentially stepping into their shoes, seeing the world from their viewpoint. This empathy builds stronger, more empathetic connections.

The effectiveness of questions depends largely on their nature. Open-ended questions, for instance, encourage detailed responses and open up avenues for deeper conversation. Closed questions, while sometimes necessary for clarity, often lead to short, limiting answers. The key is to ask questions that encourage sharing, not just answers.Open-ended questions are designed to encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subject's own knowledge and/or feelings, while closed questions typically expect a short, specific answer, often just 'yes' or 'no.' Here are some examples to illustrate the difference:

Examples of Open-ended Questions vs. Closed Questions:

About a Recent Event:
Open-ended: "What was your experience at the event like?"
Closed: "Did you go to the event?"
On Work or School:
Open-ended: "How do you feel about your current projects or studies?"
Closed: "Are you working on any projects?"
Regarding a Movie or Book:
Open-ended: "What are your thoughts on the themes of the movie/book?"
Closed: "Did you like the movie/book?"
Discussing the Weekend:
Open-ended: "What did you do over the weekend, and how was it?"
Closed: "Did you have a good weekend?"
On Personal Feelings:
Open-ended: "How have you been feeling about things lately?"
Closed: "Are you okay?"
Regarding Hobbies or Interests:
Open-ended: "What do you enjoy most about your hobbies?"
Closed: "Do you have any hobbies?"
About Career Aspirations:
Open-ended: "What are your long-term career goals?"
Closed: "Do you want to stay in your current job?"
On a Recent News Topic:
Open-ended: "What is your perspective on the recent news about [topic]?"
Closed: "Have you heard about [news topic]?"
Regarding Personal Growth:
Open-ended: "What's something new you’ve learned about yourself recently?"
Closed: "Have you learned anything new lately?"
About Relationships:
Open-ended: "How do you think your relationships have evolved over time?"
Closed: "Do you get along with your family?"

The key difference is that open-ended questions facilitate a more detailed, introspective, and personal response, allowing for a deeper conversation. In contrast, closed questions tend to limit the response to a simple affirmation or negation.

Asking questions is only half the equation; the other half is active listening. This involves giving undivided attention to the speaker, showing interest, and responding in a way that validates their feelings and encourages them to continue. Active listening ensures that the curiosity is not superficial but a sincere effort to understand.

Sometimes people hesitate to ask questions, fearing they might appear ignorant or intrusive. However, it's important to realize that asking questions is a sign of intelligence and a desire to understand, not ignorance. And while it's essential to be sensitive to how much the other person is comfortable sharing, it’s better to ask than to appear not to care. The key is to ask respectfully and listen actively.

The art of asking questions, fueled by genuine curiosity, is a powerful form of care. It allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, understand diverse perspectives, and build meaningful relationships. In a world where everyone seeks to be understood, being someone who seeks to understand through thoughtful questioning is rare and valuable. 

Look for the first heart connection questions this week!

Stay Curious, Stay Vital!


Rosebud Woman