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Is Alcohol Canceled?

Is Alcohol Canceled? Non-Addictive Alternatives for Relaxation

Is Alcohol Canceled?

That might sound like a hyperbolic question, but it underscores a significant cultural shift in recent years. The rise of sober bars and the sober curious movement suggest a changing perspective on alcohol consumption, especially among younger generations. 

Maybe you are sober curious, too, and choosing to abstain from alcohol for health, well-being, or personal reasons. 

Contemporary culture's burgeoning emphasis on holistic health, mental well-being, and mindfulness has made many people more conscious of what they put into their bodies. There's a greater focus on clean eating and self-care routines, where alcohol might not necessarily fit in.

Why? Because alcohol can be so damaging. It's not just impaired judgement and hangovers, chronic alcohol consumption is linked to liver and cardiovascular disease, cancer and digestive problems. It also weakens the immune system and increases susceptibility to diseases. Alcohol is linked to road accidents, fatalities, and injuries, as it impairs judgment, motor skills, and reaction times. It also plays a role in numerous social problems (especially domestic violence, child neglect and abuse, and productivity loss).

Here are three alternatives we like:


Kava is a plant that supports relaxation. In the Pacific Islands, it's maded into a bitter drink, revered for its calming properties. Kava can help reduce anxiety, ease muscle tension, and promote a sense of sociability without impairing cognitive function.  We put this in a mango gummy so that it's portable and sweet.

Shrubs: Herbal Drinks 

Shrubs, or drinks made from herbs, fruits and sparkling water, are a great alternative. They might add chamomile tea, widely recognized for its calming effects, potentially due to its antioxidant apigenin, which binds to brain receptors that reduce anxiety and initiate sleep. Similarly, lavender, valerian root,  lemon balm and rosemary can be added to shrubs. Shrubs can offer a gentle alternative to alcohol.  


Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, derived from the hemp plant, has garnered significant attention in recent years for its potential therapeutic effects. Preliminary research findings suggest that CBD can interact with the brain's serotonin receptors, which play a role in mood regulation and anxiety. By providing a sense of calm and balance, CBD can be an effective alternative for those looking to relax without the intoxication that alcohol offers. Try Akala CBD tincture from Maui Superherbs (Bonus: 100% of proceeds go to the Lahaina Maui Fire Relief).

Going Completely Substance Free? Try Meditation and Deep Breathing! Maybe just being present with whatever feeling arise and finding your own inner sparkle is the answer for you.

While not a consumable alternative like the others, meditation, and deep breathing exercises offer profound relaxation benefits. Deep breathing exercises, particularly those drawn from yoga and tai chi, can activate the body's relaxation response, lowering the heart rate, reducing blood pressure, and relaxing the muscles. Over time, consistent practice can reshape the brain's neural pathways, making achieving a relaxed state without external substances easier.

While not a consumable alternative like the others, meditation, and deep breathing exercises offer profound relaxation benefits. Deep breathing exercises, particularly those drawn from yoga and tai chi, can activate the body's relaxation response, lowering the heart rate, reducing blood pressure, and relaxing the muscles. Over time, consistent practice can reshape the brain's neural pathways, making achieving a relaxed state without external substances easier.


In our house, we cut over to herbs and microdosing about three years ago, and it's been a superb move.  While it's unlikely that alcohol will be entirely "canceled," given its deep roots in human culture and history, it's evident that there's a significant movement towards rethinking its role in social settings and personal lifestyles.

So, are you curious? 

XO, Your Rosebud Team