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Well+Good: How To Take a Ritual Moon Bath and Bring Forth Your Wildest Dreams

Well+Good: How To Take a Ritual Moon Bath and Bring Forth Your Wildest Dreams

New Moon Bath Ritual
The new moon is all about fresh starts and setting our intentions for the cycle. On the new moon, we focus on purifying and recharging, on getting ready to act and getting rid of what hold us back from our dreams. For this ritual, you’re going to want to grab the salt—not because you’re intending to be sodium-rich, but because it’s a go-to cleansing ingredient. The combination of water and salt removes lower vibrations, according to transformational astrologer Corina Crysler.

Crysler mentions using Rosebud Woman's Anoint Nourishing Body Oil in one of the steps in a New Moon Bath Ritual.

Read the full article here.