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16 Beauty Essentials That Any New Mom Will Deeply Appreciate

16 Beauty Essentials That Any New Mom Will Deeply Appreciate

Taking care of a tiny human takes a village, so you might as well indulge in some makeup, skin care, and hair care that fit perfectly into a busy, multitasking mom's routine — and they'll even fit into a diaper bag.
16 Beauty Essentials That Any New Mom Will Deeply Appreciate

"So, you just birthed a baby — congrats! But just because you're caring for an infant 24/7 doesn't necessarily mean your beauty routine has to take a complete backseat. While long, hot showers may be hard to come by at the moment, a swipe or dab of these mama-approved products will deliver the instant and pampering pick-me-up you very much deserve.

This lineup of favorites — including healing creams and ointments to soothe mom from head to toe, multitasking all-star treatments that deliver on all their promises, and little luxuries to maximize the hours of sleep you're catching — will help any new mom feel polished and refreshed in seconds. After all, "me" time becomes extra precious and rare with a new baby in the house.

Here, we've rounded up a selection of the best beauty and wellness products — including must-haves from makeup artists and dermatologists (who are mothers themselves!) — to treat yourself, and the other supermoms in your life, to a dose of self-care. "