MiddleSexMD podcast: April, 2020
Excerpt from the interview:
Christine (to Dr. Barb): Well, for you and me I really hope that we proceed with our online program on “the change” and help people learn more about everything that's going on in a woman's life during the perimenopause and the menopause era. I mean I'm through that right now; and this is a very alive time. I didn't expect that when I was 30 or 40. It's actually the best time I have had in my life. With your medical and psychological information, and my mind-spirit information, and some other contributors, we can do some great stuff together.
Dr. Barb: Yeah, I think that's what was so fun about hanging out with you, Christine, was your ideas. It's always about a new idea and how we can reach women and what could we do and what would that look like, and so it was completely energizing to me. So I'm looking forward to what we might partner on in the future. And as we finish our time together today, I'd like to ask where do you find fullness at this stage of your life? I think we've heard bits about it, but I don't know if you have a summary statement there.

Want to know more about this exciting period in a woman's life?
Christine: I want to just say a couple of years ago I had an accident, and I died. I was in that liminal space between life and death for a while and everything's been different: like there was nothing to fear. Death, that space was so beautiful. Maybe it was a trick of the mind, but I'll tell you ever since then, just being alive in my body, breathing, moving, starting and ending the day with blessing, starting and ending the day with thank you and I love you and clearing up any mishegoss that happened during the day—that's where my life is finding fullness. Loving the people I love and being infinitely grateful. Yesterday was the day of the blessing of blossoming trees, and it's an annual rite in some mystical traditions where you go out and you just say thank you to the trees for doing their thing. And that's what you are and that's what I am and that's what the listeners are: You’re beautiful nature and there's nothing to fix about you; just be grateful and happy and serve.
Dr. Barb: Well, thank you for your inspiration. Thank you for sharing and thanks for your time today.