How to Create Ritual: The Art of Designing Energy
“Creating ritual is designing energy.” - Suzanne Sterling
Suzanne Sterling— the founder of Voice of Change and co-founder of Off the Mat, Into the World —was recently a guest at our Hawai’i land. She offered classes, and brought her musical medicine. One afternoon, we gathered to talk about the Art of Ritual.
Rituals have been vital to our human experience since the beginning of recorded time. They demarcate such rites of passage as births, deaths, coming of age, retiring, and healing; they help us celebrate, remember who we are, and connect us to nature. They help us change our minds and redirect our attention. Rituals can help define family or tribe, make sense of the things we encounter during our human lives, and magnify our belonging.
“Ritual is a participatory sport,” Suzanne says. “When you design a ritual, you are engaged in directing energy and attention. It’s a creative, expressive process.”
Intend: Know what you are aiming for.
Tying this back into Rosebud Woman, I invite you to think about the rituals of womanhood in our mostly gender-binary culture. Where do our rituals exist? Where are they lacking? An engagement, wedding, or birth of a child are often celebrated— menarche, menopause, or divorce, not so much. There are some rituals that connect to the moon cycle (yours, or the actual moon’s), but these are largely confined to subsets of the culture: Orthodox Jewish women, for example, enter a mikvah, or ritual bath, at the end of their menstrual cycle. Pagan women often mark the new and full moons, the solstices and equinoxes.
Where are your rituals? Where might we create more of them?
Since Rosebud Woman is all about coming into self-love (especially around the body), here is an outline of how you might create a personal ritual using this framework.
To learn more about ritual crafting, or participate in a program with Suzanne, please find and follow her.
I hope you find a ritual, a new energy design, to amplify whatever you’re about these days! And that at least some of that centers around more love for your own beautiful being.