More Joy, Less Suffering
We are for more wonder, joy and amusement in every woman’s body, especially in the sensitive delicious life-and-pleasure-giving parts of the pussy: the vulva, vagina and the surrounding, interconnected structures of the pelvis and pelvic basin. Yet, we know that for many women, there is pain and discomfort in this area: emotional, mental, somatic and physical. We know that lubrication, arousal, irritation and other concerns exist among women in all ages and stages of life. And that sensual pleasure isn’t there at the level it could be for everyone. We also know these challenges aren’t discussed openly. Most women don’t even talk with their friends: they ask the internet, and sometimes (in less than 10% of cases), ask a doctor.
But why?
There are a lot of historical reasons we might shy from these topics, of course. Ignoring women’s biology is reflective of a long cultural legacy of downplaying women. There’s bias in culture and education, bias in medical research, and the long shadow of religious and political suppression of the feminine. Even the so-called “witch hunts”- which sought out and punished women, especially those with independence, and/or knowledge and connection to the plants and wisdom of the earth and its cycles- were fundamentally a fear of the feminine. There’s even bias in the language available around a woman’s sexual organs: when we were naming our products, we were stunned to see how many words, or euphemisms, were just plain insults, and how they mirrored the categories of general insults of the feminine: objectification, promiscuity, etc.
empower yourself
It may also be in part fear of the unknown and miraculous. It’s a miracle even now: you put in semen and a baby comes out? What dark mystery is this? This reproductive power in many cultures is something many power structures have sought to regulate and control. In general, this has led to an absence of knowledge, and of self-care.
Secrecy leads to suffering: a suffering that doesn’t have to be there.
But this is all changing. We look at our bodies, including all the usually ignored parts, and we love and care for them: we learn more about our parts and how they interact, we touch them, we relax them, we strengthen them, we nourish and nurture them. We care for our whole selves, our entire personal biome, and leave nothing out.
This may lead to a happier you, it may lead to better experiences in the sexual theater, but our hope is that it will spark some deeper awakening to all the ways you might be in wonder at the miracle of your own body, and love yourself more.
Rosebud Woman