Celebrating You: The Power in Your Pleasure
Sexual Celebration of YOU
September is Sexual Health Awareness month, and we’re here to help you embrace and celebrate every aspect of yourself. Sex is a pleasurable experience meant to boost positive hormones and make people feel good. We want everyone to feel confident and healthy in their sexuality and their sexual health.
Moments of Insecurity
We all have moments when we look in the mirror and think “Am I too fat?” “Am I too skinny?” “Do I have too many stretch marks?” “Are my blemishes noticeable?” “No one will want to be with someone like me.”
While moments of insecurity are okay to have, none of it is true! Your body is sacred. It is functioning exactly how it should to encompass all of you and your wonderful uniqueness. During Sexual Health Awareness month, we want to give you some tips of how to boost that confidence and care for yourself in the healthiest way.
Boosting Solo Sexual Confidence
Before you can be confident with a sexual partner, you have to be confident in yourself and your sexuality. Easier said than done for some of us, I know. But it’s so important that you try and negate any shame you may feel about your body, as well as gain an understanding of your sexual turn ons and turn offs. Here are some things to try to boost your confidence and get more in touch with your body and sensual side.
Not everything you do to boost your sexual confidence has to be sexual. Try taking yourself out dancing. When you are on a crowded dance floor, you can let yourself go and experience how your body moves and feels when it isn't worried or full of anxiety to perform.
Another thing to try is a full body exploration. Lightly touch your body from your toes to the top of your head to see where you enjoy being touched. Knowing what you like and don’t like, where you prefer being touched, what motions or movements work in getting YOU aroused will aid in your sexual confidence. Don’t make an orgasm your goal, make exploring your goal. If you can focus on what gets you going, and not how fast or how masterfully you can get yourself to your climax, you will learn so much more about your sexual body.
Right alongside full body exploration, masturbation is your friend! It puts you in control. You are both the person giving and receiving. You’re controlling your own pleasure and that can be extremely empowering.
Mindfulness exercises can also be very beneficial to gain confidence. Bringing yourself back to your body is a great way to get to know it. Focusing on deep breathing or a sensory focus are two techniques to try to aid in body awareness. Deepening the knowledge that your body is your temple in whatever way you can is an important step towards sexual confidence.
After you’ve experimented and found what you like, the next step is to have no shame in your preferences! If you really like how a vibrator feels, own it! If reading a sexual book or watching sexual videos helps to turn you on, fantastic. Every person has different preferences and you should not be shy to own what works best for you.
Boosting Sexual Confidence with a Partner
Sexually engaging with yourself and with a partner are very different acts. The idea of having someone “judge” your sexual performance can be extremely daunting, and that’s okay.
The first thing that can help with this type of confidence is focusing on the pleasure – not the performance. No one is perfect and everyone knows that. If you and your partner can figure out ways to pleasure one another, that’s the important part of a sexual interaction. You don’t have to look totally sexy and perfect throughout intercourse. Sex is raw and romantic. Creating safe conditions for both of you and ensuring your partner feels loved and satisfied are the benchmark goals to reach.
Always remember that communication is key to creating a pleasurable experience for all parties involved. When you engage in sexual activities, tell your partner what feels best for you and what isn’t the greatest. If you and your partner can communicate your likes and dislikes, it will boost confidence for both of you. Even if this feels embarrassing or awkward, it will help you in your interactions because you know and your partner know that you’re receiving something that makes you feel stimulated.
Practicing Sexual Health
With all this talk of how to sexually explore confidence and intimacy, practicing safe sex is also an extremely important part of sexual health.
- Use condoms to protect from STDs whenever appropriate
- Talk to your partner if you are trying to get pregnant
- If you are beyond your fertile years, condoms are still important for protecting you from STDs.
- Get tested for STDs regularly to monitor your individual sexual health
- Make sure you understand the meaning of consent and your power to choose whether to have sex or not.
- Consent is the number one key to having safe sex. If someone does not want to have sex with you, it is no longer safe, and you may not have sex with them. Sex is an extremely intimate act that can never be forced on another human being without their explicit right-minded consent.
Another step to aid in sexual health is making sure you’re getting necessary exams whenever is required. Examples include:
- Breast Exams or Mammograms
- Pap Smears
- Pelvic Exams
- Pregnancy Tests
In addition to this, talk to your doctor about your sexual health. Sometimes communicating with someone about intimacy, especially complications, can be difficult. Doctors and medical professionals are here to help you. Communication can help you find solutions or suggestions for what might be causing you pain, stress, or worry.
Sexual Care Products
Rosebud Woman is made to help boost sexual confidence and offer products to help you feel worthy of sex and pleasure.
Boost confidence by trying our plant-based and sexual health practitioner recommended products:
Arouse Stimulating Serum: Boosts arousal and stimulates natural lubrication, plumps labia, and creates tingling to help you have the most pleasurable experience.
Anoint Nourishing Body Oil: This silky oil can be used as a lubricant or as an all over body oil. Oiling your body can be arousing and confidence boosting as it increases the radiance of skin and creates a dewy look for whoever uses it. Pair with the Perfect Skin Brush.
Manpower : This is a natural testosterone booster for male identifying individuals which can boost energy, sexual desire, and overall confidence.
Desire: A hormonal and desire booster for female identifying persons, this product is a great way to increase arousal, sex drive, and desire.
During a time of sexual health awareness, the most important thing to take away is that everyone’s bodies are different and everyone’s bodies are perfect. Everyone’s desires and preferences are different and everyone’s desires and preferences are perfect. As long as you are taking steps towards sexual health and intimacy, there is no wrong way to be pleasured. Stay safe!
*This post does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.*